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Digital Audio Advertising

Digital audio advertising is a highly effective channel for reaching consumers in a personalised and non-intrusive manner. An increase in the volume of streaming services, high speed networks, smart speakers and the popularity of podcasts have all contributed to Australians listening to more audio content than ever before.

Unlike radio advertising, digital audio platforms such as podcasts and music streaming services allow advertisers to target specific audiences based on demographics, interests, content and behaviours, ensuring that their messages are highly relevant to the listener with minimal wastage. Similar to radio, however, are the trust building qualities of digital audio that come with talent integration and host reads, similar to that of a personal or professional recommendation.

In a world that’s increasingly connected through headphones and speakers, digital audio advertising including podcasts and music streaming offers a fantastic opportunities for brands to connect with audiences in an authentic and measurable way.


  • Personalised Messaging
  • Talent/Brand Integration
  • Engaged Audience
  • Tracking & Reporting
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