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Video on Demand Advertising

As viewing habits evolve, the number of Australians consuming video on-demand (VOD) and connected TV (CTV) continues to rise. In fact, over half of the population use these services with the average Aussie subscribing to more than two streaming platforms. This trend offers advertisers the effectiveness of TV advertising with greater targeting opportunities and minimal wastage.

Unlike linear TV, video on demand platforms integrate first and third-party data, allowing advertisers to target specific locations, demographics, interests, and behaviours. The advantages of VOD include greater budget control, flexibility, and accurate audience measurement and tracking capabilities.

Using a data-driven approach, Hawkeye Advertising ensures your brand effectively connects with your target audience across a variety of on demand platforms, maximising your return on investment and driving greater business outcomes.


  • Precise Audience Targeting
  • Real-Time Optimisation
  • Greater Flexibility
  • Incremental TV Reach
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